Programs for Youth

Fashion sustainability isn’t just for adults! With our camps and workshops for youth, participants are introduced to some important environmental and social topics through discussions, creative projects and play.

School Programs

Our school programs available across Germany and The Netherlands offer students from grades 9 and above a unique English program with Native English speakers, where the focus is on sustainability in fashion. (For English/Bilingual schools, grades 6 and above). These project weeks consist of learning all about the impact the fashion industry has on people and our planet, as well as solutions to how we can make a change. The program activities include many aspects of social studies, business, science, art and even drama. Students will have the opportunity to partake in hands-on textile arts activities and everything learned during the week will culminate in an end of project presentation. The program can be custom tailored to suit individual class needs, and can even be broken down into 1 or two day sessions. Some highlights of the program include experiments in natural dyeing, activism through collage, fashion challenges, the SDG’s, and the future of fashion concept businesses. 

Textile Arts Day Camp

An educational and interactive day camp for youth ages 9-12 to explore traditional textile arts and responsible fashion through mini lessons, drama, discussions and creative experiments.

This camp can also take place during school holiday weeks and can be adjusted to a time period between 2-5 days.

Topics include:

  • A look into the life of a garment

  • The people behind our clothing

  • Upcycling & waste

  • The future of fashion and fabrics

  • Fashion culture and traditions around the world

Textile Arts and other activities:

  • Natural dyeing experiments using flowers and food waste

  • Weaving 

  • Upcycling jewellery and other accessories

  • Activism through collage and moodboards

  • Paper and journal making

  • Sewing

  • Acting, drama, games and more!

Natural dyeing activity from our Textile Arts Summer Camp in 2022!


Our workshops for youth are shortened modules from our camps and are 2 to 3 hours long. Each has an intro activity about a particular sustainable fashion or textiles topic, along with a hands on textile arts activity. These workshops can also be done together for a full-day experience and are adaptable for all ages.

Bundling dyeing materials on a table
Bundle dyed creations

Bundle Dyeing

Bundle Dyeing is a great introduction to the world of natural colour. In this two hour workshop, participants get to choose between a scarf or a bag and use kitchen waste, foraged plants, flowers, and even insects to imprint a unique design!

Collage work about fashion

Activism through Collage

In this two hour workshop, participants use mixed media and collage to create their own journals or posters on the topic of fashion sustainability. Common themes discussed are social and environmental justice.

Request a Workshop

Request a Workshop

If you would like to request a workshop or presentation for a school, community, or private event, please get in touch by filling out the form below.

Please specify how many people would take part, and which workshop or topics you are interested in so we can customize our offerings to best suit your event.

Thank you!